Quit Smoking!

Quitting smoking isn’t easy. But if you really want to give up cigarettes, for good, you can! With a little planning, some determination, and an understanding of nicotine addiction, you will find you don’t need any pills, potions, or patches! In fact, the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are intense for just about 3 days. Many people can manage to quit smoking long enough to get past the physical addiction. It is the mental part that is hard. Plan to conquer the mental addiction and the physical addiction will take care of itself. Continue reading “Quit Smoking!”

7 Things to Know about Money

1. Money is a tool for trade, nothing more, nothing less. Money does not make you more special, or more lovable. Fancy homes and cars, expensive watches and clothing, these do not make people like you more. How much money you have, or appear to have, says nothing about you as a person. I have met both poor people and rich people who were amazing human beings. I have also met both poor and rich people who were jerks. Your money is not your personality.
Continue reading “7 Things to Know about Money”

Daydreaming of Weddings

romeo and juliette wedding invitation

With three daughters, two of them in their twenties, you know I spend just a little bit of time thinking about weddings! The girls are not ready yet, but that doesn’t keep me from planning ahead. Lately, in my daydreaming about weddings, I have been looking at wedding invitations.

Your wedding invitation is the first impression that you give your guests about your wedding. The invitation will set the tone and overall theme in their minds. It also tells your guest a little about you. Are you elegant and formal, a fun romantic, or casual and easygoing?

While surfing the web I found a very nice site for wedding invitations. 1stclass had a wide variety of invitations, including both formal and Contemporary Wedding Invitations. Their prices were quite reasonable, and they have quite a large selection.

Browsing the site is very easy and intuitive, and the menus make it easy to find the style of invitation you are interested in. Under the Castle/FairyTale catagory I found the Romeo and Juliet invitation. The design is classic and elegant, and very romantic! The price is a quite reasonable $108 and that includes blank inner and outer envelopes and tissue. You can see the Romeo and Juliet design here at 1st Class Wedding Invitations. What really surprised me was the quick turnaround time. You can set a date for your wedding and be sending out beautiful invitations in the same week!

Ah, but back to reality. My girls are focused on career and college right now, and I am very proud of them! But someday I’ll be buying wedding invitations, and I will be looking at 1st Class.

Kettering University

Do you know what an industrial engineer is, or what they do? I didn’t until today. Industrial Engineers work to make businesses more efficient.They will look at how something is made and find ways to make production more efficient. An industrial engineer might also work to figure out a way to shorten a line at an amusement park or how to make a more efficient automobile. An industrial engineer can also be known as an operations manager or a systems engineer.

If I were looking at a new career these days I might consider becoming an industrial engineer. It sounds like it could be a very interesting job! I like the idea of looking at systems and companies and finding ways to make them work better. A bachelors degree is required to become an industrial engineer and one place I would consider for my education would be Kettering University.

Kettering University has an innovative Co-op program in industrial engineering. Kettering places students with companies right from the start, giving the student valuable real world experience to go along with their classroom education. Beginning as freshman, the students rotate between school and their co-op job and gain practical experience.

Another good reason to choose Kettering would be that US News and World Report has ranked Kettering University as “the #1 University in the nation for Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering” in its annual “America’s Best Colleges Guide for 2008”.

But, for the time being I am going to have to stay a mom and a blogger. As interesting as Kettering’s engineering co-op programs sound, I’m not ready to go back to school just yet. Plus I think my husband would miss me!

3 Simple And Effective Strategies Of Forum Posting

Article By: Alan Quan

There are advantages and disadvantages of forum posting. The advantage is that if done correctly, you can get targeted traffic to your website. If done wrong, you will waste precious time chatting and getting zero result when you can be building your business.

If you want to maximize your results with forum posting, here are some rules you need to take into consideration to make forum marketing the most profitable for you. Continue reading “3 Simple And Effective Strategies Of Forum Posting”

6 Ways To Start Your Sales Letter Right

  Author: Mario Churchill

When writing a sales letter, it’s important to place special focus on creating an impressive and attention-grabbing start with your opening sentence or paragraph. If you don’t start it correctly, it’s highly unlikely that your readers will get past the first paragraph before deleting your email…and categorizing it as SPAM! Continue reading “6 Ways To Start Your Sales Letter Right”

Search for Discounts at WebbyPlanet.com

Like most people I like to save money, and I probably spend too much time searching the web for discounts and coupons. I was happy to hear about WebbyPlanet. WebbyPlanet is an e-commerce search site where you can look for coupons and discounts all in one place. One of the things I like about WebbyPlanet is you can search for a store, and a page will come up listing all the coupons and discounts available for that store. That is how I found this dell coupon. The site is updated daily, and you can subscribe to the newsletter to keep updated on all the latest discounts.

Eating Oysters

Most of the foods I like to eat would be considered your basics. Good bread, fresh vegetables, fruit in season, but there is one delicacy that I will occasionally eat… just as a treat. And that would be Gulf oysters.

Oysters can be eaten in a variety of ways, but did you know that there can be distinct variations in the taste of an oyster, depending on the variety of oyster and where it was grown? So when I am going to eat oysters I prefer raw oysters with just a dash of lemon.

There is some concern, however, when eating raw oysters. Oysters grow best in warm unpolluted waters, just like a little nasty bacterium called Vibrio vulnificus. Most healthy people have no problems with this bacterium and can safely eat raw oysters. Just the same, I was happy to find that there is some post-harvest processes that can reduce the incidence of Vibrio vulnificus to undetectable levels. These processes include individual quick-freezing, heat-cool pasteurization (HCP), and high-hydrostatic pressure (HPP).

The next time I decide to treat myself to oysters I think I will look for those that have used one of these post-harvest processes. I am pretty healthy and probably don’t have much to worry about, but a little extra safety is OK by me!

Spring Vacation

segways in San FranciscoSpring is in full swing at my house. The trees are leafing out and the flowers are blooming. Birds are everywhere. I was sitting outside today thinking about how nice it is when spring finally arrives, with the warm sunshine and singing birds, but then I started thinking about all the spring projects that need to be done. I need to paint the house, put in the garden, weed out the flower beds, the whole spring cleaning thing. Yikes! Suddenly spring isn’t so wonderful. So, of course, the logical thing to do when faced with a mountain of chores is to take a vacation! Many years ago I went to San Francisco in the spring, and it was great! I loved riding the trolley cars. Chinatown was amazing and the selection of food was wonderful.bike san francisco

I am thinking it is about time to go back to San Francisco, and see some of the attractions I missed on my last trip. This time I think I will sign up for some sightseeing tours. I found a site that offers discounted tickets to some of the best tours in San Francisco. It used to be that I didn’t like guided tours, but I have since found that they are a great way to do things and find attractions that you might otherwise miss. Trusted Tours & Attractions duck tours splash downoffers a variety of sightseeing tours in San Francisco, including Segway tours! There is a tour where you can bike over the Golden Gate Bridge, and my favorite, the San Francisco Duck tour, where you can ride both land and bay in an original, refurbished World War II Amphibious landing craft.

Trusted Tours is having a special promotion right now. If you sign up for their newsletter you will be entered in a drawing to win a handheld GPS! That might come in handy if you are on the Muir Woods tour and get separated from your group!

If San Francisco isn’t your idea of a vacation spot Trusted Tours has tours in 23 cities including Things to do in Las Vegas.

But for now the vacation will have to wait. Because honestly, putting in the garden and weeding the flower beds aren’t really chores!