50 Things I’m Going To Do While I Am 50

I needed a place where I can keep a list of all my goals, action items, changes, (I’m not sure what I should call them, So I have decided to list them here.  Some goals have sub-goals, and in my mind they all count!  When I blog about a particular goal I will  link to it here.   There is no particular order to these items, it is just the way they came out of my head.

1. Be more organized.

2. Lose 1 pound per week for 50 weeks.

3. For 50 days in a row, (Saturdays excluded) eat no sugar.

4. Don’t bite my fingernails for 50 days in a row.

5.  Say something nice to a stranger 50 times.

6. Exercise at least a little, every day, for 50 days in a row. (Saturdays excluded)

7. Ask for help from someone else 50 times.

8. Let 50 different people know how special they are to me.

9. Do a fund raising project for some charity.

10. Think of at least 40 more goals!

11. Do 50 “real” pushups without stopping.  (I can do 5 right now!)

12.  Get a Facebook page and a Twitter account set up for 50 Weeks To Fit and Fabulous.

13.  Blog about this project at least one time per week for 50 weeks.

14. Facebook status update and tweet at least 1 time per day for 50 days.

15. Sleep at least 7 hours per night (8 is better) most night.