Spring Vacation

segways in San FranciscoSpring is in full swing at my house. The trees are leafing out and the flowers are blooming. Birds are everywhere. I was sitting outside today thinking about how nice it is when spring finally arrives, with the warm sunshine and singing birds, but then I started thinking about all the spring projects that need to be done. I need to paint the house, put in the garden, weed out the flower beds, the whole spring cleaning thing. Yikes! Suddenly spring isn’t so wonderful. So, of course, the logical thing to do when faced with a mountain of chores is to take a vacation! Many years ago I went to San Francisco in the spring, and it was great! I loved riding the trolley cars. Chinatown was amazing and the selection of food was wonderful.bike san francisco

I am thinking it is about time to go back to San Francisco, and see some of the attractions I missed on my last trip. This time I think I will sign up for some sightseeing tours. I found a site that offers discounted tickets to some of the best tours in San Francisco. It used to be that I didn’t like guided tours, but I have since found that they are a great way to do things and find attractions that you might otherwise miss. Trusted Tours & Attractions duck tours splash downoffers a variety of sightseeing tours in San Francisco, including Segway tours! There is a tour where you can bike over the Golden Gate Bridge, and my favorite, the San Francisco Duck tour, where you can ride both land and bay in an original, refurbished World War II Amphibious landing craft.

Trusted Tours is having a special promotion right now. If you sign up for their newsletter you will be entered in a drawing to win a handheld GPS! That might come in handy if you are on the Muir Woods tour and get separated from your group!

If San Francisco isn’t your idea of a vacation spot Trusted Tours has tours in 23 cities including Things to do in Las Vegas.

But for now the vacation will have to wait. Because honestly, putting in the garden and weeding the flower beds aren’t really chores!