Fifty, Fit and Fabulous?

Fifty, Fit and Fabulous? Hello it’s me!   I’ve just turned 50.  I would like to say that I am 50, fit and fabulous, but that is not the case!  Well, I am certainly close to fabulous but there is no way that I am fit.

Last year when I turned 49 I told myself that I would be fit and fabulous by the time I turned 50.  It seemed like a reasonable goal. But I didn’t have a plan and I didn’t  tell anyone and I never seemed to get started so here I am at 50 and nothing has really changed.  Except that I have gained another 10 pounds, so that is kind of reverse progress.

This year I am going to do things different. I am going to go very public, and do my best to broadcast to the world what I am trying to do.  Seriously, I am going to put up a Facebook page and  a Twitter account and be as public as I can. Because I don’t want to be a massive failure in front of the world I expect that I should be able to reach at least some of my goals.  So here is the plan.  For the next 50 weeks, I am going to make 50 changes, goals, commitments, whatever you want to call it.  I am going to post them on my blog, I’m going to Tweet about them, make Facebook status updates, the whole 9 yards.  The whole internet will know if I succeed or fail.

Here is where you come in.   My very first change is to ask for help more often. In fact, my goal for this year is to ask for help at least 50 times.  For some people that might not be much of a goal, but for me it is a pretty big deal. I am the lone ranger type. I feel like I should be able to do everything myself.

So now I am going to ask for you help.  Please help me in my goal to make 50 the year I become fit and fabulous.  Please keep me accountable.  Please cheer on my successes, and give me a verbal kick in the pants when I am not doing what I should.  And then, would you tell all your friends and ask them if they would do the same?  Maybe someone  wants to do it with me?

And just to  make it perfectly clear, this will be a totally non-commercial activity.  On this blog there will be no ads, no affiliate links, nothing I am going to try and sell you.  I  might do that on another one of my blogs, <grin> (that is a goal I will tell you about another day) but not on this blog and not with this project.   So please, leave a comment and let me know you are out there, and come back tomorrow when I will have a Twitter account and a Facebook page that will make it easier for you to keep me in line!

~Peace, Love, and Happiness~

One reply on “Fifty, Fit and Fabulous?”

  1. Congrats on this very worthy goal and how you’re going about it. Just remember that while it’s always possible to get more fit, the consensus is that it will be very hard for you to get more fabulous. 🙂

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