Happy Stumbeling April Fool’s Day to Me!

Since I completed my 30 day blogging challenge I have taking a break from blogging. I’ve been spending time with my family, Saturday we watched 3 movies in a row, ate pizza, and then went out for apple pie. It was great.  I’ve been spending some quality time with the latest Dean Koontz novel, so far so great, as usual. I’ve even been outside and started thinking about what to start in the garden.

I was planning on getting back to work on the blogs tomorrow, April 2. You know you can’t believe anything you read on a blog on April Fools Day. I’m not good enough to come up with a prank so I just didn’t see the point in posting anything. So tonight, just before heading off to bed, I took a quick look at my stats!  SURPRISE!  Either someone is really good, or I have been totally and wonderfully stumbled.  YEA!  Thank you, thank you all you Stumblers, and feel free to keep it up!

I’m so happy about this I think I’ll put off going to bed for awhile and find some blog posts to stumble, try and make someone else’s day!

Oh, and my next 30 day challenge, getting exercise every day? That will have to wait till tomorrow.  I don’t think I can fail if I haven’t started, and I didn’t get any exercise today.

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