30 Day Challenge Evaluation

I was going to write today that I was ending my 30 day blogging challenge early. (The challenge was to blog every day for 30 days.) I have a couple of real exciting projects in the works and I would like to focus on those projects, plus do a better job keeping up with my other blogs. However, I was please to find that I started my 30 day challenge exactly one month ago today, on February 27, 2008. So today is officially day 30.

So how did I do?  Well, if you want to be strict, I failed.  I posted 26 posts in 30 days, and two of those posts were on the same day.  A few of those days I just posted a quote, or a contest, or some “easy” type of post.

But I am not too strict with myself, and in my mind my 30 day blogging challenge was a big success.  I have become a better writer, and a better blogger.  I spend a lot of time thinking about what would be interesting to post.   And, what I am not including in this challenge, are all the posts made on my other blogs. They have also benefited by having more frequent posts. (Although not a post a day.)

I have also decided that I am most definitely a blog addict.   I am constantly coming up with new ideas for blogs.  I have bought a few domains, just for “someday” when I have time to work with them.  I have to pull myself aways from the computer to get some exercise, or to say Hi to my family. Now I just need to find a good way to monetize all these great ideas!

I liked the idea of a 30 day challenge, and I think I’ll go for another one April 1.  But this challenge won’t be related to blogging.  I will challenge myself to get some form of exercise everyday.  I’ll let you know how I do.  Would you like to join me? What do you challenge yourself to do every day for 30 days?

3 replies on “30 Day Challenge Evaluation”

  1. Well, online Content is king, but Quantity is a quality all of its own. If you write well and write often, more people will hit your blog- I love the idea of people posting every day- I do this myself. My daily challenge is 15,000 words a day (I’m a professional writer)- It’s hard, but succeeding at this sort of challenge makes you feel great. Congrats on doing as well as you have = )

    BT Cassidy’s last blog post..One

  2. @BT Wow! 15,000 words a day is more than I can imagine right now! Thanks
    @Steve Nice to hear you like my style!

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