Auto Repair

You know what I really hate.  When my car breaks down. You know what I hate even more?  Is when my car breaks down and I am traveling out of town and I don’t know any of the repair shops in town. Do you just trust the tow company and go to whatever shop in town?  Thanks to technology you now have some options.  You don’t need to blindly trust your car to whatever shop you get towed to.

Say you are looking for a Los Angeles auto repair shop.  Today you can just pull out your smart phone, go to a website like and find the perfect shop to fix  the blown head gasket on your Ford Explorer.

The best part is not only can you find a shop to repair your vehicle, you can get an estimate of how much the repair should cost,  suggestions on how to keep the same problem from recurring in the future, and answers to common questions about cars and car repair.

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