New Year, New Changes

Happy almost 2009 to everyone. With the new year I am going to be making some changes to this blog. Despite the fact that Google refuses to give it a page rank, and despite the fact that I don’t post enough here, this is still my favorite blog. While I will allow myself to write on whatever I feel like, in the coming year I will be focusing more on my outdoor adventures.

You see, it wasn’t that many years ago that I would have been too afraid to go whitewater rafting, rock climbing, or mountain bike riding. When I think about it, it even seems a little silly to me that a slightly overweight, late forties woman would suddenly think she is mountain woman and start doing all these outdoor things. But still, just last weekend, I rode my mountain bike 3 miles, and then hiked another 1/2 mile just to see a waterfall. In the rain, and mud. On a trail on the side of a cliff. Mud is very slippery, and the brakes on my bike don’t work well when they are wet. But the waterfall was beautiful, and I had a great time!


Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t do any of these things well. In fact, I do them pretty poorly. On my bike ride I got my pants caught in my chain…twice! Fortunately I was going so slow I didn’t crash.

Hopefully, by sharing my adventures with you, maybe I can make you believe that you can be too overweight, and too old, and too out of shape, but you can still do all this cool stuff, and have fun. And by having fun, you find you are losing weight and getting in shape, and you don’t feel so old after all!

7 replies on “New Year, New Changes”

  1. Happy New Year! That is fun! Me and my husband love those kind of things. And you are right, when you are having fun you don’t realize you actually are loosing weight. Even just by laughing alone. hehehe…. It is the best way to loose weight is to do all those fun things like mountain hiking or climbing, biking even just for a walk. It is still not too late for you. 🙂 Nice!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Don’t Give Up! Giggle On! attitude and kudos to you to doing things that scare you. Reading your post makes me rethink my fears about rock climbing. Perhaps I should set my fears aside and do it!

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