On Writing

woman writing with quill pen

So I am all the way to day 5 of my 30 day challenge. And already it is getting hard to post everyday. It is not that I have any trouble at all coming up with topics. I’ve got enough things I’d like to talk about for the rest of this month and well into next! I think my challenge is, I’d like to talk about it, not write about it.

I don’t really think I am much of a writer. So why would I write on a blog (or two or three) and even volunteer for a challenge to write every day for 30 days? Because I want to become a good blog writer. Like many things, blog writing is a learn by doing type of activity. I expect that if at the end of this 30 day challenge I’ll be a much better writer than I am now!

Sometimes it helps some to read other blogs. When I find writing that I like, I try to analyze it and figure out what makes the writing good. There is one problem with that. Often, If I really like someone’s writing a little voice inside of me says “You’ll never write that well, you might as well just give it up now”. I quiet that voice by reading blog posts about writing blog posts!

But then I’m off into the World Wide Wasteland, reading this blog and that blog. It is so much easier for me to read than to write. (You don’t know it but I just spent the last twenty minutes away reading about writing!) Plus the advice is either contradictory (write short posts, write long posts, post every day, don’t post more than three times a week) or painfully obvious. (Write something your readers will want to read)

What helped you learn how to write? Let me know your best blogging tips here.


Katalina Mau Signature

3 replies on “On Writing”

  1. I think you’re on the right track here. Practicing writing goes a long way for helping people become better writers. But reading also helps!! You learn what you want to do with your writing and what you don’t. And you read different ways of expressing thoughts and get ideas for tweaking your own style. Reading is as important as writing if you want to be a better writer. Well, that’s my two cents, anyway. 🙂

  2. Writing a lot will help. Writing about topics you really enjoy will help. (I expanded my blog from a writing blog to a general life experiences blog. Added in lots of photos from my love of photography. It really upped my interest in blogging every day) Reading other blogs and figuring out what you like about them helps too.

    kacey’s last blog post..Last Snow of the Season

  3. I am new to blogging and, like you, I am much better talking about it than writing about it. How do I learn. I have been teaching and training for over 30 years but this is a new medium for me. Come sit by my campfire and lets chat. Thanks for the info. Rick

    Rick’s last blog post..La Vida es dificil……..

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