Can BlogRush Really Bring More Traffic?

I am trying something new today. I have been seeing the BlogRush widget on websites I have been visiting, and I finally decided to sign up. BlogRush shows links to your posts on other websites. Here is a better explanation from the BlogRush site:

BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve their #1 need:
More Readers For Their Blog.

By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs.

BlogRush users earn “syndication credits” (the right to have their blog post titles shown inside a widget on another related blog) based on their own traffic (loads of the widget) as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush. Users can automatically refer others to BlogRush via special links on the widget, as well as through the promotion of a special referral URL they are given.

BlogRush is a “Cooperative Syndication Network” that rewards its users for their contributions to the network — from the impressions they provide of the BlogRush Widget to the referral of other users through 10 ‘generations’ of activity and the impressions of the widget that they provide. BlogRush was designed to be incredibly viral and to provide its users with tremendous distribution leverage to receive exposure for their blog content (onto related content blogs) that they could never achieve on their own; at least without a massive advertising budget.

Now the downside to all of this is that the widget is showing links to other blogs, and tempting you away from my site! Hopefully that is offset by visitors that come to me from seeing my links on other sites. So if you find something that looks interesting go ahead and pop on over, just make sure you come back later.

Let me know your thoughts and opinions on BlogRush. I would also love to hear from you if you came here from a BlogRush link.

If you would like to add BlogRush to your blog you can click here.