Making Money on the Web

I have been spending quite a bit of time, looking for ways to make money on the web.  Something where I can just sit at my computer and watch the bank balance go up.

I haven’t found it yet.

I’ve been wondering how many people actually are making money with a solely web-based business.  Does affiliate marketing work?  How about Adsense and other advertising programs? In  this research I found one site particularly helpful. It is They have a marketplace section where people can buy and sell established websites.  In doing so, the sellers disclose how much money they are making from the site.

There are lots of sites that are don’t have much content, that are really just trying to get people in to click on the ads. For the  most part, they were not making enough to cover the hosting fees.  The sites that did do well offered real products, or real information.  A site that people would want to go to. 

I have to go work on my content….. 😉