Eating Local is Elitist?

I was talking to a friend about how I was trying to be more “aware” in my food choices. I have been trying to eat locally produced food whenever possible.  I also try to eat organic food, with the least amount of processing and packaging.  My friend said, “Don’t you thing that is a bit …

Real Food

I have been reading about food a lot lately. Not cookbooks and such, but books that have caused me to think about where my food comes from, how is it produced, how safe is it to eat? It used to be easy, I would buy what was cheap, and try not to buy too much …

Quit Smoking!

Quitting smoking isn’t easy. But if you really want to give up cigarettes, for good, you can! With a little planning, some determination, and an understanding of nicotine addiction, you will find you don’t need any pills, potions, or patches! In fact, the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are intense for just about 3 days. …