23 Ways to Stay Healthy Year-Round

It is that time of year again! Reader’s Digest has some tips on staying healthy. The usual “wash your hands” is there, plus a few more I hadn’t heard of.

#6 “Run your toothbrush through the microwave on high for 10 seconds to kill germs that can cause colds and other illnesses.” Once you’re done brushing, your toothbrush is a breeding ground for germs. Sterilize it in the microwave before you use it, or store it in hydrogen peroxide (rinse well before using)…

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Plastic Bags are Killing Us

Here is an article from Salon.com that will make you think twice when asked…paper or plastic?

The most ubiquitous consumer item on Earth, the lowly plastic bag is an environmental scourge like none other, sapping the life out of our oceans and thwarting our attempts to recycle it.
By Katharine Mieszkowski

Aug. 10, 2007 | OAKLAND, Calif. — On a foggy Tuesday morning, kids out of school for summer break are learning to sail on the waters of Lake Merritt. A great egret hunts for fish, while dozens of cormorants perch, drying their wings. But we’re not here to bird-watch or go boating. Twice a week volunteers with the Lake Merritt Institute gather on these shores of the nation’s oldest national wildlife refuge to fish trash out of the water, and one of their prime targets is plastic bags. Armed with gloves and nets with long handles, like the kind you’d use to fish leaves out of a backyard swimming pool, we take to the shores to seek our watery prey.

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Eco Resolutions, Good for the Planet, and Funny!

Today I was going to write about my Green New Year’s Resolutions.  But I found this post from TheDailyGreen.com.  Not only do they have great resolutions, they are also funny!

1. I will relinquish my title of Most Likely to Acquire Useless Crap I Don’t Wear or Need.
Admit it — your closet is full of had-to-have items that have been punished to a life of hanging unworn. Your have enough notepads, pens, books, magnets, and collectible tchotchkes to fill a mini storage unit. Yes, our purchases keep the economy going, but most of us buy far more than we need. (There are whole TV shows dedicated to demonstrating ways to unclutter!)…

Read the whole story here.

Three Brown Eggs

Please welcome guest blogger Ferox. Ferox is a Veterinary Student  in Australia. Read her blog, Nearly-Dr Ferox, here.

Walk through your local supermarket and you will be presented with three types of eggs that you may chose to purchase. They’re mostly all brown, about the same size and difficult to differentiate based on taste. What sets these eggs apart is how they are produced and the price you pay for them. Cage eggs are laid by chickens in intensive factory situations. These eggs are the cheapest to produce, but many people consider farming eggs in this way to be unethical because the chickens are kept in limited space indoors, suffer health problems such as osteoporosis and can’t engage in ‘normal behaviours’. While this is largely true it should be pointed out that laying chickens in all systems develop osteoporosis (as do dairy cows), and normal behaviour for chickens consists largely of bullying, or being bullied by, the other chickens. These chickens have their diseases controlled and treated rapidly and easily and are not vulnerable to predators or the weather.  Continue reading “Three Brown Eggs”

Knowing the Numbers

Maybe I’m a little different from others, but I find it very helpful to “know the numbers”.  Little things like,  how long will it take me to become a millionaire.  Based on a calculator I found, it will only take 64 years for me to become a millionaire, if I live that long!  Other numbers that are fun to know are how long will it take to pay off my mortgage, and if I gave up my daily Starbucks and saved the money how much would I have? 

Over at Bootstrapper there is a list of 100 different calculators where you can find your numbers.   Let me know how long it will take you to become a millionaire!

5 Daily Requirements for a Fantastic Life

Today I am going to do something a little different, and let Anmol Mehta give you a Yogi’s view on achieving happiness.

Our good buddy, lazy Yogi Ponchie, had just read a great blog on meditation, where the author had revealed the secrets of how to live a happy, meaningful and good life. This blog highly inspired Yogi Ponchie and he immediately went about implementing the recommendations, in his own special way of course.

The article, he read, explained that the secret to a happy and fulfilling life was to live life one day at a time. Not only that, the author had provided his thoughts on what 5 activities one should include in one’s life on a daily basis in order to accomplish this. Here was how Ponchie spent his day, which he felt met the requirements laid out in the post.

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How a Family of 7 Lives on $35,000/Year

I’ve read about America
’s Cheapest Family in various articles and posts but haven’t really seen them in action till I caught a repackaged episode of 20/20 where they were once more featured. I cannot believe how a family of seven with children ages 10 through 21 are able to pull off living on an annual budget of $35,000.

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Healthy Holiday Eating

It may be called the Christmas Season, or the Holiday Season, but I think it really is the Eating Season! More than any other time of the year, food seems to be a focus for the next 6 weeks.  Here are some ideas that have helped me to keep eating healthy (mostly!) during the holiday season.

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Can BlogRush Really Bring More Traffic?

I am trying something new today. I have been seeing the BlogRush widget on websites I have been visiting, and I finally decided to sign up. BlogRush shows links to your posts on other websites. Here is a better explanation from the BlogRush site:

BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve their #1 need:
More Readers For Their Blog.

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