Winter Warmth


Today I am sitting inside, watching the snow fall. We don’t usually get much snow, so a foot of snow is quite a treat. The snow is falling in big fat flakes, and outside, everything is covered in icy white cold. But inside I am nice and warm. Staying warm on cold days like today can get expensive. One of my favorite ways to save money on winter heating bills is by using “zone heating”. With zone heating, instead of heating the whole house, you only heat the rooms you will be using. So during the day we heat the living room and kitchen. In the evening we heat the bedrooms. That way we are not spending money on heating rooms that no one is using.

For effective zone heating we make good use of room heaters. A good source for attractive room heaters is They have a large supply of vent free, gas propane heaters. The room heaters come in a variety of styles, including wall mount, freestanding, stove, and fireplace models. You can find room heaters that run on natural gas, propane, and even electricity.  My favorites are the fireplace heaters.  You can have the warmth of a wood fireplace, with clean and safe propane or  natural gas.

The snow is still falling. Time for a cup of cocoa, a good book, and a nice warm fire!

Frugal Friday

Today seems like a good day to start Frugal Fridays. Today’s job report shows that more Americans are out of work, gas prices continue to rise, and I cringe every time I open my power bill. Don’t get me started on the mortgage industries and the stock market. With such poor economic news, now may be a good time to start cutting back!

So today, I start what I hope will become a regular feature on this blog, Frugal Fridays. Make just one change a week and you could see significant savings in your household budget.

Todays Frugal Tip …Visit Your Local Library.

Not Just Books

If you haven’t been in awhile you may be surprised to find that the library is not just for books anymore. Most of my family’s entertainment comes from the local library. Here are a few of the things we get for FREE from the library.

Free Movie Rentals

We usually don’t get the latest releases, but there is a great selection of movies at the library. There are plenty of classics, kid movies, and educational movies. I like trying out the exercise DVDs that are available. The best part about renting from the library is that you get to keep the movies for 3 weeks, not 3 days!

Free Audio Books (aka books on tape)

The best thing for a long car ride is a good audio book. When I have the kids with me I will choose a popular children’s novel. Our last trip we listened to Tom Sawyer. When I don’t have the kids, I have worked on my Spanish, listened to motivational books and books on business and real estate.

Free Wi-Fi

When I need to get away from the house for awhile I just grab my laptop and head to the local library. They have nice big comfy chairs and I can park myself there all day if I like, without needing to buy any overpriced coffee! If you don’t have your own computer you can use one of the library’s computers, you just need to sign up and reserve a spot.

Free Classes and Seminars

Saturday mornings my library has art classes for kids, taught by local artists. I might also find a seminar on recycling and the book readings by local authors is always a pleasure. Once a month, on Saturday nights, the library has an event for the young teens. Sometimes it is just pizza and a movie, but it could be a dance contest or other fun activity.

Free Books

And of course, there are the books. I have a family of voracious readers, and if I had to buy all the books we read we wouldn’t have any money for food! Become an expert at putting books on hold, and you’ll be reading the latest best seller in a week or two.

I estimate that by making good use of our local library, may family saves a few hundred dollars a month. So go see what’s happening at your local library. You might be surprised.


Here is one of my favorite inspirational sayings. It is attributed to Mother Theresa and is written on the wall at her Home for Children in Calcutta. It seems to be an adaptation of a poem by Dr. Kent Keith. You can find his original here.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.

Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends, and some genuine enemies.

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you.

Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.

Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today will often be forgotten.

Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.

Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God.

It was never between you and them anyway.

You Can Quit Smoking, Without Pills, Potions, or Patches!

pic of dirty ashtray

by Katalina Mau
All Rights Reserved

If you were only going to do one thing to improve your health, and your overall quality of life, it would be to quit smoking. Quitting smoking will improve your health, your appearance, and how you feel. You will be able to exercise easier and enjoy life more! No more standing outside the door in the rain for a cigarette! You can quit!

Quitting smoking isn’t easy, in fact it is one of the hardest things I have ever done! But if you really want to give up cigarettes, for good, you can! With a little planning, some determination, and an understanding of nicotine addiction, you will find you don’t need any pills, potions, or patches! In fact, the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are intense for just about 3 days. Knowing that the physical withdrawl from cigarettes in only 3 days, most people can get through it on their own. It is the mental part that is hard. Plan to conquer your mental addiction to smoking and the physical addiction will take care of itself.

The thought of not smoking forever can be intimidating! After all, cigarettes have been a large part of your life. Talk yourself into quitting for an hour, then another hour, then another hour… I haven’t smoked in 169,492 hours. My next goal is 175,250 hours, or 20 years. I am sure I will reach it!

Cigarettes have become a ritual in your life. To quit smoking, you need to find new rituals to replace your smoking rituals. You probably smoke to start your day, to end a meal, while driving in the car. Probably the last thing you do each day is smoke a cigarette. Plan ahead! What will you do now that you don’t smoke? For me, chocolate chips did the trick. Instead of a cigarette I would take a single chocolate chip, let it melt slowly in my mouth, and totally enjoy the rich chocolate taste. (I bought the best chocolate chips I could find!) In the car I would chew gum, and at the end of the day, a nice cup of tea and a long kiss from my honey!

Find your reason to quit. Quitting is hard! You are not going to do it because someone else wants you to. Find a reason that really matters to you. For me, it wasn’t for health reasons that I quit. Lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, those all seemed distant and unlikely. Second hand smoke, not a motivator, everyone around me seemed fine. Vanity was the key for me! I didn’t want to look like a smoker. I could see that smokers had more wrinkles, their fingers were yellowed, and their voices were hoarse and rough.

Money can be a great motivation. Smoking is expensive. When you don’t buy cigarettes you save tons of money! Giving up a pack a day habit will save about $5 in a day, $35 in a week, $150 a month or $1800 a year! And that is just the cost of cigarettes. Add in lighters and breath mints and you are talking serious money! Treat yourself with it! After a week, get a manicure to rid your fingers of those ugly yellow tobacco stains.

Remind yourself that life wasn’t perfect before you gave up smoking. One of the hardest times for me after I quit was when I got uptight about something. I just knew that a cigarette would calm me down and make everything all better. Of course, that wasn’t true. I would get tense and uptight while I was a smoker. So instead of a cigarette I would do some deep breathing, stretch, or take a brisk walk.

If you are a smoker, (now an ex-smoker!) chances are good that most of your friends are smokers too. Temptation will be huge when you are with friends. It wouldn’t be fair to have to give up your friends, so once again, plan ahead and come up with some strategies to resist temptation. You could try and get all your friends to quit with you. If that doesn’t work, try these suggestions. Find something you can do with your hands. Remind yourself of your reasons why you quit. Get a little silly. When I was out with friends I would smoke… without a cigarette! I would just pretend and go through the motions. Lighting up, a deep inhale and blowing smoke rings. If temptation got strong, I would think of dirty ashtrays and smoker’s breath. I would notice the yellow fingers and wrinkles of the smokers, and count how many hours it had been since my last cigarette. Anything except smoke a cigarette!

Know that you will always be addicted to cigarettes. Even after almost 20 years I still have moments when I want to smoke. I know people who quit for over 20 years and then started right back up in a moment of weakness. It does get much easier, but remember, you are only “a puff away from a pack a day!”

Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

There is a story going around that I have heard attributed a number of different ways. I first heard it on Dr. Laura, and since then, I have heard it being identified as both a Cherokee and a Navajo story. Some just say Native American. But here it is in its expanded version.

An old Grandfather
said to his grandson,
who came to him with anger
at a friend
who had done him an injustice,
“Let me tell you a story.I too, at times,
have felt a great hate
for those
that have taken so much,
with no sorrow for what they do.
But hate wears you down,
and does not hurt your enemy.
It is like taking poison
wishing your enemy would die.
“I have struggled
with these feelings
many times.”
He continued, “It is as if
there are two wolves inside me;
one is good and does no harm.
He lives in harmony
with all around him
does not take offense
when no offense was intended.
He will only fight when
it is right to do so,
and in the right way.
the other wolf,
He is full of anger.
The littlest thing
will send him into a fit of temper.
He fights
all the time,
for no reason.
He cannot think
because his anger
hate are so great.
It is helpless anger,
for his anger will change nothing.
Sometimes it is hard
to live with these two wolves inside me,
for both of them
try to dominate my spirit.”
The boy looked intently
into his Grandfather’s eyes
and asked,
“Which one wins,
The Grandfather smiled
and quietly said,
“The one I feed.”


So now the question of the day is, which wolf are you feeding?

Today it was easy for me to feed the angry wolf. I had to drive to the airport and it seemed that everyone was against me. People were diving in front of me and driving stupid. Then I got stuck in traffic. Note to self:Pounding on steering wheel and yelling at other drivers does not make traffic go faster! I finally get home, decide to relax a bit and turn on the TV. I find politicians bickering, the news is just depressing, the movies are violent and angry. Even on the reality shows everyone is fighting with everyone else.

I think our society is spending too much time feeding the wrong wolf. To quote a few cliches,

“I know I can’t change the world, but I can try to change myself.”

“I can’t control what happens to me, but I can control my reaction to what happens to me.”

With those in mind I vow to try and change my reactions.

What would happen, if when I got stuck in traffic, instead of getting angry and pounding the steering wheel, I listened to one of my self-help CDs and enjoyed the extra time I had to myself? What if, when someone cut me off, I responded with humor, and gave them a friendly wave and a great big grin? What if I only watched TV shows that were uplifting and positive? What if I just removed all the negativity that I allow in my life?

And then, what if I took it a step further, and tried to actively feed the good wolf? What if, in the grocery store, I gave the mom with the screaming baby a friendly smile, and offered to push her cart for her? What if, when friends are gossiping, I change the subject by saying something nice? What if I turn off the TV and go for a walk?

What if everyone tried to feed the good wolf?

Changing Again

commentluv hereSorry if it seems like the theme here changes every other day. I find a theme I like, and then it won’t work with the mods that I want to make.

One of these days I will take the time to learn enough coding to make my own theme, and then maybe things won’t change so often!

The reason for today’s change is I wanted to encourage comments, so I have added DoFollow and Comment Luv. The theme I was using didn’t do well with them! If you are not familiar with Comment Luv, you’ll  have to leave a comment to find out exactly what it does!  I think you’ll like it!

So for now I have gone back to my tried and true, rock steady theme.  Everything seems to work with it and it is easy to read.

Thanks for your patience!

The “One Heck Of A Giveaway” Contest

It's contest time!If you are a blogger and you haven’t heard about this contest yet, I don’t know where you have been! , working with other bloggers, has come up with a list of prizes that is hard to beat! And what a great way to create buzz about your blog!

Here are the details from :

Well it’s technically not a “MILLION” dollars being given away, but you can say that this is going to be one heck of a big contest. It’s totally different from what other contests are about because you guys (my readers) are the ones that are running this. You guys are the ones that are providing all the items that are going to be given away. I’m sure all of you guys love these blog contests that have been running around the net for these past weeks. The main reason for blog contests are to gain some type of exposure and a community of readers. The contest I’m conducting now of course does benefit me, but I’ve changed it to give the sponsors all free backlinks from my blog and other blogs that choose to post about this contest. Now my blog is all about showing love to other blogs no matter what size and this contest should do the job by helping all the sponsors :)

Continue reading “The “One Heck Of A Giveaway” Contest”

Blog Review – A Blog about Blogging

Do you spend more time reading about blogging than you do actually blogging? I certainly do, I am always looking for the great tip that will make my blog incredibly successful and profitable! Most of what I find out in the vast Internet is a rehash of old information. Recently I was pleased to find a blog about blogging that provides great advice that actually inspires me to get working on my blog!

NorthxEast presents an article a week on subjects of interest to bloggers. The writing is excellent, clear and to the point, while providing information that is truly useful.

This weeks article is on the Top 10 Habits of Successful Bloggers. There are some that we have all heard of before, like #3, They Blog Like Clockwork. (where I need to focus!), but also habits that were new to me, such as #1 They’re Super Efficient eMailers.

NorthxEast has gone into my bookmarks, as a blog I will be stopping by at least weekly to catch up on the latest advice on successful blogging.

Need To Lose Fat? Cut Out Artificial And Processed Sugar!

Need To Lose Fat? Cut Out Artificial And Processed Sugar!
By Simon Dainton

Processed and artificial sugar is hidden in everything from fruit yoghurts to bread – even your favourite breakfast cereals that you assumed healthy! The average person consumes over 100g of sugar each day, but our bodies can barely cope with more than a teaspoon – just 5g! Fruit yoghurt can contain the equivalent of 7 teaspoons of sugar while a can of coke can top 10! Is it any wonder that so many people suffer from illness, diabetes, obesity and depression? We are becoming a nation of sugar addicts.

Regular intake of processed and artificial sugar is the fast track route to shortening your lifespan. It leaves your body in an over-acidic condition, forcing it to suck calcium from your bones and teeth to reduce this acidity and restore balance. This leads to decay and weakening of these structures, meaning you could be facing a toothless smile and osteoporosis long term, among many other diseases and conditions!

Continue reading “Need To Lose Fat? Cut Out Artificial And Processed Sugar!”