Grand Canyon Adventure

Well, I am off again. This time I will be spending a week in a place with no cell phone reception or internet connections! In fact, I won’t have access to a computer at all.

I am going on a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon. It is something that I have wanted to do for years, and I can’t believe that I finally  get to go.  I will be spending the week rafting, hiking and camping in the Grand Canyon with 15 other people I have never met before!

Grand Canyon Rafting

When I get back I will be sure to tell you all about it. Especially about the 7.5 mile hike OUT of the canyon.

Mini Vacation in Santa Cruz, CA

Orca Whale Near Santa Cruz, CA

My daughter and I just got back from a little mini vacation in Santa Cruz, CA. I had no idea there were so many things to do. One of the highlights of our trip was the whale watching trip. I was smart and took some motion sickness medicine which worked wonderfully. We saw so many whales! Including this guy. Officially an Orca Whale, but I always call them killer whales. He was traveling with 3 other whales and we managed to get a good look at them all. In addition to the killer whales we also saw humpback whales and a minke whale.

We also spent some time on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. I got up my nerve and went on the Classic wooden roller coaster, The Big Dipper, twice! It was a lot of fun. I did not buy the picture of me looking like an idiot screaming on the roller coaster!  I did buy fish and chips for the two of us and we ate on the beach while watching Chinese acrobats.  The contortionist made my back hurt!

In three short days we also managed to get in a little beachwalking, we looked at tidepools, and a lighthouse, and we visited the redwood forest.

A good time was had by all, and I am happy to be home!

Need a New Way to Waste Time?

I haven’t been blogging as much lately. I also haven’t been exercising, or doing housework, or even watching as much TV as I normally do.

I found a game on the internet, and it has just sucked me in!  I hate it when that happens.  And so, I am going to share it with you.  Maybe it will suck you in also and then we can form a clan. That might be fun. I’m not sure yet about the benefits of a clan but we can figure it out.

Improbable Island is a text based game.  Not too many of them out there any more but this one is pretty good.  Something like the old Zork, (are you old enough to remember Zork?), but with point and click instead of trying to come up with the right words and phrases to get your character to do what you want them to.  Being text based the action is actually much faster. You don’t have to wait for the animations during the fights.  What I really like about this game is there is nothing to download!

During the game you travel to different cities which you can explore. You can buy things, get married, fight with other players.  You earn “requisitions” by  fighting monsters, or by attacking other players that are silly enough to go to sleep without depositing all their reqs in the bank.

It really is  a lot of fun, and I would like it if you would use this link to Improbable Island and play at least to level 8.  I can earn points for every person that signs up, and if I get enough points I can pay to have my name turned RED in the game!

I am at level 13 now, and when I get to level 15 I can fight the improbability drive, so I better get moving!

If you have never played a text game you will be pleasantly surprised.

Empty Blogs

I, like many bloggers, have more than one blog.  I also don’t spend enough time updating my blogs, so most of the time I feel guilty if I sit down at my computer and don’t write a blog post for at least one of my blogs.

So now I find myself in a funny position.  I have a couple of domains that I got for free.  When it comes to blogging, I really like setting things up.  So I installed WordPress on both the domains, found great looking themes for both of them.  Installed the important plug-ins, etc.  Now all that is left is to add some content.

That is where I stopped.  So I have these two domains with very nice looking, very empty blogs on them.

What to do?  Sell the domains, or even give them away?

Beg someone else to write for them.

Or, even write something myself? Taking time away from my other, more established blogs?

The empty blogs are Lazy Food and Baby Care News.  What would you do with them?

Tips For Great Health and Prosperity

This showed up in my email a few weeks back. Some of it is trite, some of it I have heard before, but put together it is good advice!

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. Tape your late night shows and get more sleep.
4. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, “My purpose is to _______ today.”
5. Live with the 3 E’s –Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
6. Play more games and read more books than you did last year.
7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
8. Spend tiem with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
9. Dream more while you are awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
11. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds and walnuts.
12. Try to make at least 3 people smile each day.
13. Clear clutter from your house, your car, your desk, and let new and flowing energy into your life.
14. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.
Continue reading “Tips For Great Health and Prosperity”

Motorcycle Helmets -They’re Not All The Same

With rising gas prices, more and more people are riding motorcycles these days. So I am compelled to get on my soap box again and tell you are story. Unfortunately it is very true.

A few weeks ago, there were two different motorcycle accidents in my town. I live in a small town, so two motorcycle accidents in a month would be a rare thing, but two in one week. That is practically unheard of.

In many ways the accidents were similar. Both riders were incredibly experienced, both were avid motorcycle riders who had been riding for decades. No drugs or alcohol were involved in either accident. Both riders were going around a corner when they hit a slick spot on the road, oil or gravel, no one is really sure. Both lost control of their motorcycles, and when the motorcycles hit the shoulder and slowed dramatically, both riders went through the windscreen of their respective motorcycles, and both landed head first on the shoulder of the highway.

One rider was declared dead at the scene.

The other rider is my husband. He suffered a broken collar bone and a bunch of road rash. Relatively minor injuries. He’ll be fine. The other rider is not fine, and that makes me sick.

There is a reason why these two very similar accidents had very different outcomes. Helmets.

Before the accident, my husbands helmet looked something like this.

full face motorcycle helmet

This isn’t the exact helmet, but you can get an idea. Full face protection, plus it is long enough to protect the neck. In fact, my husband’s collar bone was probably broken by the helmet. This kept him from breaking his neck. The only head injury my husband sustained was some minor bruising on his forehead and one small cut.

Here is a helmet similar to what the other rider was wearing.

beanie helmet

This is the minimum helmet required by law. Commonly called a beanie helmet, some motorcycle riders wear them as a type of “protest” against the mandatory helmet law.

Please, if you are going to ride a motorcycle, think about why you wear a helmet. It is not just to comply with the law. You wear a helmet for protection of your head and neck if you crash. If you wear a “beanie” type helmet as a protest against the mandatory helmet law, please reconsider. Even the most experienced rider can have an accident.

My husband has over 40 years experience riding and racing motorcycles. He knows what to do in a skid. But sometimes there are things beyond your control. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you are going to crash. And if you hit the pavement at 50 mph, you need more protection than a beanie helmet can provide.

So please, if you ride a motorcycle, or a scooter, spend the money and go buy a decent, full face helmet. It may cost you a few hundred dollars, and your friends might not think it is cool, but it may save your life.

A Cool Treat for a Hot Day

Today is beautiful, sunny and HOT!  So I put together this quick drink which is yummy, healthy, and low-cal.

Just pour 1 cup of light (1%) milk over ice. Add a splash or two of sugar-free vanilla syrup. Stir.

That’s it. Tastes almost like a vanilla milk shake, only thinner, and is only 120 calories. (Which makes you thinner!)  Make it with nonfat milk and you are under 90 calories!  Plus lots of good calcium and protein.


Random Thought of the Day

Today I woke up to the smell of fire, and I didn’t panic.  In fact, I smiled. That’s because it wasn’t  a forest fire, or a house fire that I was smelling, it was a campfire.  You see, I live just a few miles away from a popular campground in a popular national forest. Smelling the campfire made me happy because I get to live in a place where people come to vacation!

A Quick Post

I took a nice long walk today and spent my walking time thinking about why I have such a hard time writing regularly for my blogs. I have plenty of ideas, and plenty of time. I decided the reason was I struggle to write posts that I think are a decent length. Like 250 words or longer. Then I realized my posts can be any length I want! Plus, maybe short posts are better. After all, everyone seems to be all aflutter over twitter and that is all about super short posts.

So what do you think, mini (under 100 words), short (100 – 200 words), medium (200 – 500), or long (over 500)? Which is better?